This High Tech Gadget Will Harm Your Toddler -See The Shocking Report

This High Tech Gadget Will Harm Your Toddler -See The Shocking Report



What are you exactly teaching your child about life when you hand over your tablet or smartphone?

Hmm, good question.

A very thought-provoking article written by Jordynn Cormier, found on outlines some interesting points that will

make you think twice the next time you go to satisfy the budding temper tantrum of your toddler with an electronic device.

I think this topic ripe for a good debate. Some say plugging your toddler into a high tech gadget, allows you time to get things

done – is there a right or wrong answer? Are toddlers old enough to handle a tablet? What would they be using it for?

So, before you decide to put a high tech device into your toddler’s hands, check out a few pros and cons below to help with

your decision.

This High Tech Gadget Will Harm Your Toddler -See The Shocking Report
