15 Of The Best Fun Songs Your Toddler Will Enjoy.

15 Of The Best Fun Songs Your Toddler Will Enjoy.



I came across an article on childhood101.com that took me on a nice trip down memory lane. I had to share, calling all moms, teachers and even older siblings alike; I think I may have found a gold mine as far as the perfect list of counting songs.

Site Editor, Christie Burnett, listed all-time favorites like The Ants Go Marching and One, Two, Buckle My Shoe. Immediately, I began to sing! Of course, these sorts of nursery rhymes are classic and timeless hits because they are catchy and when paired with dances, very fun.

So without further adieu, click below and check out these fun-filled songs.

15 Of The Best Fun Songs Your Toddler Will Enjoy. (click next page)

Yet, overall, they are extremely educational for developing little minds of our tiny tots.