Wait Until you See Why This Silly But Cute Act By Dynamic...

Wait Until you See Why This Silly But Cute Act By Dynamic Toddler And Canine Duo Is Going Viral.



Spring time is in full swing, the weather, trees are blossoming and flowers are blooming, all things that render pure joy. Well, mashable.com just added to that line up of things for me this morning.
A very sweet story about a stylish boy and his dog is the best thing you’re going to see today. Sandy Swiridoff chronicles the beautiful friendship of her foster grandson and their pup via an adorable Instagram account.
Click the link below for the full story:

Wait Until you See Why This Silly But Cute Act By Dynamic Toddler And Canine Duo Is Going Viral

Heather Dockray of mashable.com caught up with Swiridoff and inquired just what led her to dress the pup the same as she dresses her baby and her answer?
The absolute classic truth, “to capture their special bond…to show their strong relationship.”
The same as we do we dress our own little ones, right? Little sister looks like a big sister, and uh twins, yes, that’s a given!
But, enough going on about how adorable they have to look, and take a look for yourself!

For centuries, scientists have wondered: is there anything cuter than a dog in a human’s outfit? Finally, after years of Google searching, we have our answer: Yes, there is. And it is a fluffy dog, who wears the same outfit as a fluffy, tiny human.

For more on this incredible story, visit Heather Dockray over at mashable.com (click here)

Image credit: Chris Parfitt