How To Encourage Healthy Teeth Care Habits That Will Give Your Toddler...

How To Encourage Healthy Teeth Care Habits That Will Give Your Toddler A winning Smile


As for the little girls, diamonds and pearls are certainly a girl’s

best friend but they have to be kept very clean in order to shine.

All of this is simply code talk for brush and floss your teeth.

Turn it into a bonding moment

Toddlers love group activity, but what is it that they love more

than group activity? Their parent’s attention, of course, and

rightfully so! Here is the perfect moment to reveal these little

people with your full attention, and considering that it more

than one of you, it’s definitely a group activity. Win-win situation, don’t you agree?

This is also great because during this time is the best time to express the importance of healthy teeth.

Make it a habit

Of course, this goes without saying, but I want to say it still. Make

it a habit, day and night to care for their tiny teeth. The best way

to instill a practice is to do it repeatedly. If you are able to do it

around the same time daily, that is even better, because it soon becomes second nature.

What other dental hygiene practice do you, or did you, use to

encourage healthy teeth care with your toddler? If you have a tip

that is not found in the list, or if you can clarify on any of the listed, let us know in the comments!

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