A Rare Look At Some Fascinating Insights On Feeding Your Defiant Toddler.

A Rare Look At Some Fascinating Insights On Feeding Your Defiant Toddler.



You know the thing about our tiny tots, as they maneuver through the toddler stages of life they becoming increasingly Mr. and Misses “I can do it myself”. When it comes to feeding, them. They have to eat what they want and when they want. This can be a quite tiresome stage for the both of you.

Ahaparenting.com, however, has some inside scoop on keeping the say so in feeding your toddler but leading them to believe they decided all on their own. Let’s get the “aha” on your defiant toddler feeding strategy by mousing the link below to next page.

A Rare Look At Some Fascinating Insights On Feeding Your Defiant Toddler. (click next page)

I couldn’t agree more with the article’s basic rule of thumb, “You choose what foods he eats. He chooses how much he eats, and how.”

Sounds pretty fair to me, what do you think?