3 Mouth-Watering Plant-Based Recipes That Your Toddler Will Crave.

3 Mouth-Watering Plant-Based Recipes That Your Toddler Will Crave.



My little one said to me the other day, “Mommy I want something different for lunch”.
I suppose my typical selections had grown boring and she needed change.
Nonetheless, it prompted an internet search that led me to a few yummy and simple recipes I found on mindbodygreen.com.

MindBodyrGreen.com is great for insightful information on healthy practices for the mind and body. They continued to prove themselves worthy of this article by Kari Sandoval-Gonzalez. Read more by clicking the link below:

3 Mouth-Watering Plant- Based Recipes That Your Toddler Will Crave. (click next page)

Sandoval-Gonzalez praises these three recipes as personal favorites of her little ones.

Simple yet tasteful – sounds like it will work wonders as judging from the ingredients, it’s a great shot at getting the goods in your tiny toddler without them realizing that they are eating things that are actually good for them.