The 8 Best Damn Legit Must-Haves Of Toddlerhood That Your Toddler Needs...

The 8 Best Damn Legit Must-Haves Of Toddlerhood That Your Toddler Needs Right Now (I Have Issues With #6)


Keep reading to find out, prepare yourself, it’s guaranteed to make you chuckle and nod your head in complete agreement.

Parenting is the most rewarding job in the world because while you don’t get money, respect, or empathy and your health is on a rapid decline, you get to learn the true meaning of service.

By being a constant source of demands, your toddler is testing your commitment to them. As a bonus, you have the privilege of living life at a heightening sense of awareness which, if you think about it, makes you kind of like a distinguished butler or indentured superhero! Look at you!

1. Your undivided attention. Turn off your phone. Don’t just make the screen black, turn it off. Hold the power button for ten seconds. I have a story to share with you. It has no beginning, end, nouns, or plot, but don’t you dare interrupt or I’ll have to start over.

2. A snack. Toddlers generally need to refuel every 45-60 seconds. It would be better if you just didn’t sit down. I’ll have whatever we ran out of yesterday. A lot of it.

3. A snuggle. Toddlers love affection. You don’t mind if I sit in your lap, do you? What are you reading? Let’s go ahead and close that laptop. Whoever you’re talking to on Skype surely isn’t as important as your child, now are they? I sat on your bladder for nine months, why should today be any different? Let’s stay like this forever.

To get the full compliment of the other 5 must-haves, head on over to thehonesttoddler (click here)

Image credit: Donnie Ray Jones