How To Successfully Potty Train Your Toddler In 6 Easy Steps

How To Successfully Potty Train Your Toddler In 6 Easy Steps



What’s even more dreadful than the terrible twos? Potty training during the terrible twos!

Did I just hear a collection of worldwide groans?

Well, there’s no need for that, it does not have to be painful,

stressful or impossible.  Trust me, toddlers want to be just as independent as you would like them to be.

However, they are new to these things so all they need is a little bit of training, and you are the expert for the job.

So, take a look at these few tips that can help you be successful in potty training your tiny tot.

Introduce your kid to the potty

Although your tot may have become quite familiar with that big

white bowl thing in the other room, considering that it somehow

eats his/her toys, this does not quite mean they know exactly

what it is. Besides, they have been feeding it their toys!

How can we expect them to know how to use it if we don’t tell

them exactly what it is and show them how it is supposed to be used- the proper way.

Show them what to do

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How To Successfully Potty Train Your Toddler In 6 Easy Steps

That’s right, if you are like me, the bathroom is my hideaway

spot, the only place where I can occasionally steal a few moments

to myself. Unfortunately, there are those times when I will here a

little voice right before the door swings open, or if I remembered

to lock it, I’ll see tiny fingers under the door, letting me know they will find a way in.

Well, that’s neither here nor there, but what is important is that

during the beginning of the potty training stage, take your little

one into the bathroom with you, and show them how to sit on

the potty and talk to them, letting them know what is happening on the potty.

For single mommies, it is important that if you are training a little

boy, if possible, maybe dad can tackle this portion, or a trusted male figure in the toddler’s life.

Train on the potty

Now that you have shown them how to use the potty the proper