How To Successfully Potty Train Your Toddler In 6 Easy Steps

How To Successfully Potty Train Your Toddler In 6 Easy Steps


way, give them their own potty. It is catered to their smaller

body, for easier use, and also, it instills a sense of entitlement, it’s all theirs.

Have your little one use the potty throughout the day. Perhaps

dedicate 15 minutes at a time to potty training session. Explain to

them during this time they should put their poop or pee-pee in

the potty! Follow up with a diaper or training pants after

the session has ended. As they get better with their potty,

these can be used less, and underpants will be the replacement.


Let them roam free

Forego the underpants/training pant and allow them to roam free

with just a t-shirt or so, and remind them that this potty session,

they must put the poo and/or peepee in the potty!

When they do, make a big fuss over it, besides they did a very big thing!


Who doesn’t like rewards? They are positive reinforcements and

motivational. It can be as tiny as a sticker or as big as a toy.

Continue training session throughout the night and at school

Continue to encourage potty session through the night and at school/daycare.

At night, there should be a cutoff on liquid intake, and always try the potty before bedtime.

Inform your toddler’s teachers or caretakers that they are potty

training, they would be eager to help, and certain to be a positive

reinforcement to the lessons you’ve already taught your toddler.

It always helps to send small rewards, such as stickers, with your

child to daycare/school.

Are you training now? What is working for you an your tot? Are

you done? What helped make your training session successful?

Share the wealth!

Are you training now? What is working for you an your tot? Are you done? What helped make your training session successful?

Image credit: Aaron Farr