This Shocking Report On Toddler Obesity, Is About To Change Your Toddler’s...

This Shocking Report On Toddler Obesity, Is About To Change Your Toddler’s Diet Game


The article points out the growing issues of obesity among toddlers. To put things in perspective of the severity of the issue, the article highlights these stats from the World Health Organization: the number of children under the age of five who are overweight or obese is now 41 million.

So, just how do we stop this growing problem?

Without further a-do, here it is:

The World Health Organization says the number of children under the age of five who are overweight or obese is now 41 million. That’s 6.1 percent of all infants and toddlers worldwide, a percentage that is rapidly growing even compared to the 90s. Back then, 31 million children in this age group—or just 4.5 percent—were overweight or obese.

A report just issued by the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity, published at the behest of the WHO, showed that rates doubled in lower middle-income countries—from 7.5 million to 15.5 million—over the 10-year period. According to the report, “In absolute numbers more overweight and obese children live in low- and middle-income countries than high-income countries.” In high-income countries, like the US, “the risks of childhood obesity are greatest in lower socioeconomic groups.”

Asia seems to have the worst problem—almost half of all the world’s overweight and obese children under five live there. Another 25 percent live in Africa.

For more on this shocking report, visit Alex Swerdloff over on (click here)

Image credit: Juhan Souln