This killer Virus Will Harm Your Toddler! What You Need To Know.

This killer Virus Will Harm Your Toddler! What You Need To Know.


The Zika virus is transported by female, blood-sucking mosquito which feeds during the day.

This killer virus is in the same family as:

Dengue Fever
West nile virus
Yellow fever

According to the CDC (center for disease and control) there is no known vaccine or medicine for treatment, (frightening).


Fever, rash, headaches and red eyes.

What literally almost made me vomit, was when I learned this killer virus maybe linked to “Microcephally”.

What is Microcephally? you may ask. This is when babies are born with heads and brains that are too small.

Most of these cases are in Brazil and Latin America. A case has  recorded in the North East United States and pregnant women

are being asked to postpone their travel plans to these South American Countries where there has been an explosion of cases.

The head of the World Health Organization said Thursday that the disease was “spreading explosively” across the Americas, according to CNN. The New York Times reported that “as many as four million people could be infected by the end of the year.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have issued travel warnings for more than 20 countries in South America, the Caribbean, and Latin America. These warnings are aimed especially at women who are pregnant or may become pregnant in the next year. The virus has been linked to a devastating condition in newborns called microcephaly. It causes newborns to be born with small heads, brain damage, and other developmental issues. The possibility that the Zika virus and this condition are linked only emerged in October when Brazil saw a huge upsurge in the number of cases of microcephaly.

Get the full story by Zoe Balconis over at (click here)

Image credit: danna & curious tangles