Little-known Eye-Opening Facts About Your Toddler’s Eating Habits That Will Unlock Your...

Little-known Eye-Opening Facts About Your Toddler’s Eating Habits That Will Unlock Your Motherhood Skills.


The article highlights the different stages of feeding your toddler. Did you know that a bedtime snack is actually a good idea?
Read more about why it is, and what else you should be focused on when learning the dos and don’t of the sensitive feeding stages of your child.
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Want to help your toddler develop healthy eating habits? Offer him only healthy food. There’s no reason he needs sweets or junk food at all. But even more important than what he puts in his mouth is his basic relationship with food. You want him to be in charge of his own eating, so how much he eats is not a loaded issue.

The basic rule of thumb on feeding your toddler:

You choose what foods he eats.
He chooses how much he eats, and how.


Because each of us is born with inner signals that tell us how much we need to eat. When we override our children’s innate knowledge, we handicap them for life, and set them up to be unable to regulate their own eating. Don’t fight about food. Don’t obsess about how much she eats. Toddlers don’t need much. Many of them eat a lot one day and very little the next. Kids don’t starve themselves.

Your goal?

To give him a sense of control over his food, which will eliminate power struggles and later eating disorders. At the same time, of course, you want what he eats to be healthy.

For the complete article, visit (click here)

Image credit: Abigail Batchelder