In The Most Adverse Of Situations, Two Toddlers Created Something Special

In The Most Adverse Of Situations, Two Toddlers Created Something Special



Can you remember where you met your best friend?

I can.

It was 1994, on the playground, in the sandbox. The rest is history. We lived in the same town growing up, so we saw each other quite often, not to mention when we started school.

Well, that may be a typical story, but take a look at this article by, about an unsuspecting friendship between two toddlers that were obviously destined for each other.

The two met at Boston Children’s hospital, recovering from kidney transplants. Reportedly, the connection was instant.

We can only imagine the beauty of this story as their friendship continues for the years to come.

So, take a minute to digest this heart-warming story. It’s worth the read.

(NEW YORK) — Many kids dread going to the hospital, but for Aubrey Ferrell, 2, and 3-year-old Ayden Moshe, it has become a destination since it’s the only place where the new best friends get to hang out.

The pair met as they both recovered from kidney transplants last year at Boston Children’s Hospital. Since Aubrey’s family is from Tennessee and Ayden’s family is in upstate New York, they are only able to hang out and play when they’re in the hospital for their checkups.

Ayden’s mother, Cindy Davis, of Herkimer, New York, said the pair became best friends nearly instantly after a chance meeting at the coloring table in the waiting room.

“You would have thought they had known each other forever…they get so excited,” Davis told ABC News. “This past week when we went, I just heard this voice yell ‘Ayden!'”

Check out the full article over at (click here)

Image credit: Corey Blazowich