7 Surprisingly Easy To Implement Tips To Keep Your Toddler Occupied While...

7 Surprisingly Easy To Implement Tips To Keep Your Toddler Occupied While Riding In A Stroller


However, sometimes just being in a stroller isn’t enough for the curious toddler stages.

Keep reading to find out how that’s possible.

Article author, Gena Kittner gives us 7 ways to keep your toddler occupied during their ride.

Are any of these on your list already? Perhaps you know a few that aren’t listed. Inquiring moms would like to know!

Wouldn’t you love the opportunity to sit, securely fastened, in a comfortable chair, while someone pushed you around lush parks, interesting cityscapes and bustling shopping centers? Then why do toddlers fight the stroller ride with every fiber of their being?

Well, because they’re 2-years-olds, and the idea of a relaxing stroller ride, providing much-needed down-time for them and exercise for you, is not nearly as fun as drawing on the wall with markers or sprinting away from mom.

That said, a successful stroller rides can be accomplished by implementing one, two or all of these tricks of the trade.

1.  Long-lasting snacks

As any mother will tell you, snacks are key to keeping your child happy in almost any situation. But during stroller rides, aim to make those snacks new, exciting, and, if possible, time-consuming to eat. Have your child peel their own orange or clementine cutie; offer a stick of turkey jerky on which to gnaw; or pack a stash of all-natural suckers.

2.  Arts and crafts

Bring an old, spiral-bound notebook and make it your child’s stroller “sketch pad.” Pack a box of markers or crayons and encourage your toddler to draw pictures of what they see on the ride: trees, dogs, cyclists, etc. Small dry-erase boards or chalk boards also are good options. And don’t discount the classic coloring book as a stand-by

3.  Bubbles

This idea might not be for everyone, every kid, or every situation. BUT, if you’re outside and you’re OK with a little mess, it could buy you a mile or so walk. Use the stroller’s cup-holder for a small bottle of bubbles and let your toddler blow away. Or, better yet, have the child dip the wand and watch the bubbles fly as you speed-walk or jog the stroller along. A bubble gun also would work well, but would require a little more assistance from mom or dad. That said, there’s a decent chance some (or all) of the bubbles are going to spill. Just remember, it’s only soap and water, not the end of the world.

To read the other 4 tips check out Gena Kittner over at babyparenting.about.com (click here)

Image credit: Micah Sittig