7 Interesting Facts About Being A Toddler That Will Make You Smile

7 Interesting Facts About Being A Toddler That Will Make You Smile



As a kid, I said quite a few times, “ I can’t wait to be an adult. I’m going to do whatever I want.”

Actually, it’s very much quite the contrary.

If I would have known then, what I know now, I would have gracefully delighted in the fact that as a toddler you have more freedom, and many more excusable opportunities to get away with quite a bit.

Case in point: Julie Scagell of babble.com compiled a few interesting things that toddlers can pull off effortlessly.

If you have toddlers, you will know what Julie Scagell of babble.com is talking about in this piece.

So, be prepared to smile:

1. Wearing a costume to the grocery store.

You see a toddler walking around as Batman in Target and you think to yourself, “Someone won the clothes battle this morning.”

But if you see your neighbor Doreen sporting her Wonder Woman costume on a random Tuesday, you assume she’s started hitting the Merlot before lunch.

2. Crapping their pants.

Listen, it’s happened to the best of us, but it seems much less socially acceptable than when we were 2 years old, amiright? And forget about asking anyone to help you clean up. You’re on your own there cupcake, stomach flu or not.

3. Going to Chuck E. Cheese’s for lunch.

Unless you want to get the stink-eye from every parent in the place, I wouldn’t recommend two 30-something dudes showing up to Chuck E. Cheese’s for lunch sans kids. This also goes for all kiddie pools and birthday parties at skating rinks.

To read the other 4 interesting things, visit Julie Scagell over at babble.com (click here)

Image credit: Richard Leeming