10 Surprising Takeaways That Put My Toddler’s Love For Disney In Perspective

10 Surprising Takeaways That Put My Toddler’s Love For Disney In Perspective



Disney has been the center of joy in every toddler’s heart.
Don’t quite believe me?
When Frozen premiered, how many Elsas did we see during Halloween? Over plenty!

Erica Davis, Babble.com contributor supports the claim that Disney is an obsession among our tiny tots. Yet, how far does the obsession go?

Let’s dig into the full post on the second-page by clicking the link below.

10 Surprising Takeaways That Put My Toddler’s Love For Disney In Perspective (click 2nd page)

According to Davis, her tot not only has an obsession with the magical palaces, and beautiful princesses that swirl in elegant dresses while casting magical spells on lands near and far, but she has taken it a step further and actually embodied Disney.
The writer tells just how a single trip to Disney World influenced her toddler in the most ways, ranging from healthier food intake to increased empathy.

Davis even credited the visit to getting a little more festivity in their home by way of dancing!

You can’t go wrong there, right?

Read the complete story of how her little one’s obsession with Disney just might have made a pretty great impact on the entire family.

How’s your toddler’s view of the Disney magic? Tell us about it, you just might inspire a few Disney getaways.

Recently, my toddler has become a Disney fanatic.
It first started right before our short trip to Disney World, when we let her watch a few of our favorite movies and listen to our favorite soundtracks. Her Disney obsession has only grown from there — a princess party for her third birthday, a dress up set for Christmas, and an amazing amount of Disney-related loot from the Easter bunny. My husband and I figure that this is just an intense, but adorable, phase.