26 Cool Crafts For kids That Will Make Their Winter warmer

26 Cool Crafts For kids That Will Make Their Winter warmer



Here in the Northeast, we have been  blessed with mild and way above normal temperatures in December.

The average temperature for the month of December was around 42 to 44 degrees.

It’s almost mid January and the current temperature at 8:30pm is a balmy 53 degrees. I went grocery shopping early

afternoon in shorts and t-shirt.

If you live in the Northeast, your kids must be salivating over this gorgeous weather. Yeah, I’m using the phrase “gorgeous
weather” in January…… go figure!

Well, my friends, we know these pleasant temperatures will not last. So, how do you and your little ones cope with the  long,

bone-chilling winter months, when there are three feet of snow on the ground? If your little ones are not fond of  outdoor winter

activities, you are stuck inside.

To answer that question, I found an article for you on creativechild.com. The article lays out twenty-six fun winter crafts for

your kids. Take a peek inside and let me know your thoughts.

26 Fun Winter Crafts You And Your kids Will Absolutely Enjoy
