When You See These Amazing Pint-Size Toddlers Act Out This Hit...

[Video] When You See These Amazing Pint-Size Toddlers Act Out This Hit Comedy, Your Heart Will Soar.


Brace yourself; my daily online stroll led me to the most adorable, sweet and just simply ADORABLE (yes, there’s a difference in the two) video!

Perhaps you are, or maybe you are not, a fan of the comedy, how I met Your Mother, honestly you don’t have to be to enjoy their remake of the cast in a minute long video, that will have you saying, ‘awww, how cute!’

The video, which was originally found on the comedy channel Romedy Now, was posted to Time.com by Melissa Locker.

Quite honestly, I watched it at leas 3 times, and even showed it to my little one who thought it was just too funny.

Watch these tiny tots blow the characters of their adult counterparts out the water!