How To Understand And Influence Positive Behavior In Your Toddler.

How To Understand And Influence Positive Behavior In Your Toddler.



From the moment we find out that there is a tiny life growing within us, we immediately began to wonder. How will their little personalities shape up? Will I be a great example? That is on the mountaintop of the number of questions that plague your mind. Well, the truth of the matter is, there is no real, or definite, answer to those question. We can only learn these things as time unfolds.

However, there are a few things that may be extremely handy when pondering the ways of influencing positive toddler behavior.

As adults we seem to forget exactly what behavior is as if our meter stopped working accordingly when we became adults, so let’s start there, self-evaluate, be an example of positive behavior, besides, they are always watching. Speaking of them watching, those little boogers love attention, so be sure you are giving them lots of it, especially when they are behaving well. Finally, talk to them about behaving well.

Perhaps we should have led with the latter?

I agree.

Communicate with your child about positive behavior

It is easy to forget just how free it was to be a child and to act on your whims. However, acting on a whim, or instinct is all a child knows when it first enters the world. For this reason, we as parents must communicate with them. We have to teach them the difference between positive and negative behavior.

Obviously, the best way to do that is to display positive behavior. Talking to them is very important as well because well, it’s fundamental in the communication process. However, it is the doing- exemplifying positive behavior in (and out) of their presence. One thing we have learned for certain is that those little boogers are going to do exactly what they have seen.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself

This made me giggle as it launched off a full-blown 90’s hip-hop song in my head. However, literally speaking, it is a few words of wisdom to live by. Going back to the fact that our toddler’s look up to us as examples, we should always be sure that we are on our best behavior. So, self-evaluate. There are tiny eyes that are trying to figure out what exactly it is that they should and shouldn’t be doing in this bold new world. Positive toddler behavior is the spinoff of adult positive behavior.

From the moment we find out that there is a tiny life growing within us, we immediately began to wonder. How will their little personalities shape up? Will I be a great example? That is on the mountaintop of the number of questions that plague your mind. Well, the truth of the matter is, there is no real, or definite, answer to those question. We can only learn these things as time unfolds.

However, there are a few things that may be extremely handy when pondering the ways of influencing positive toddler behavior.

As adults we seem to forget exactly what behavior is as if our meter stopped working accordingly when we became adults, so let’s start there, self-evaluate, be an example of positive behavior, besides, they are always watching. Speaking of them watching, those little boogers love attention, so be sure you are giving them lots of it, especially when they are behaving well. Finally, talk to them about behaving well.

Perhaps we should have led with the latter?

I agree.

Communicate with your child about positive behavior

It is easy to forget just how free it was to be a child and to act on your whims. However, acting on a whim, or instinct is all a child knows when it first enters the world. For this reason, we as parents must communicate with them. We have to teach them the difference between positive and negative behavior.

Obviously, the best way to do that is to display positive behavior. Talking to them is very important as well because well, it’s fundamental in the communication process. However, it is the doing- exemplifying positive behavior in (and out) of their presence. One thing we have learned for certain is that those little boogers are going to do exactly what they have seen.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself

This made me giggle as it launched off a full-blown 90’s hip-hop song in my head. However, literally speaking, it is a few words of wisdom to live by. Going back to the fact that our toddler’s look up to us as examples, we should always be sure that we are on our best behavior. So, self-evaluate. There are tiny eyes that are trying to figure out what exactly it is that they should and shouldn’t be doing in this bold new world. Positive toddler behavior is the spinoff of adult positive behavior.


For all the obvious reasons, self-evaluation is important, but if we take a look at it from the given perspective, can you imagine if we as parents as a whole would think twice before responding to the road rage in a negative manner? In fact, let’s simplify it even more and speak about behavior as far as mannerisms when communicating with your toddler, “please and thank you” goes a very long way. You understand the benefits of it and your toddler will see that it is beneficial and therefore adopt those habits as well. Besides, during the toddler years, the things that they learn to accept as good (or bad) plays an active role in the adults that they grow into.

How To Understand And Influence Positive Behavior In Your Toddler. (click next page)