How To Manage And Predict This Insane Toddlerism On The Fly.

How To Manage And Predict This Insane Toddlerism On The Fly.



Temper tantrums seem to be a universal language for a toddler’s response of, “but I want it my way or no way.” There have been tons of articles written about attempting to cope with the little ones and to also calm them. However, I came across a somewhat interesting article on Sheknows .com written by a mom who had seemingly had enough of what she considered as a pretty common tip among the blogs, ‘predict and prevent your toddler’s meltdown.’

Hmmm, quite interesting, yeah?

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How To Manage And Predict This Insane Toddlerism On The Fly. (click next page)

She Knows contributor, Lisa Fogatry, and mother of two wanted something to be the first thing to be understood, if tantrums were predictable, then they definitely would be preventable. This set me off to thinking how interesting that point was, and how to some degree I believe as parents we can kind of sense when the tantrum is coming, considering that it generally follows the unfortunate inability to have their way in a given situation. Yet, nonetheless, those little people can be some of the most surprising and unpredictable beings to be so tiny and fairly new to this dimension.