10 Useful Tips On How To Make The First Six Months Of...

10 Useful Tips On How To Make The First Six Months Of Having Twins Rewarding.


The article highlights tip from several different perspectives including a financial perspective. So, keep reading, perhaps you will find a few jewels in there to encourage you or keep you going. If you aren’t a mommy of twins, it can still be helpful, as we all know sometimes one can seem like the equivalent of two!

Share your thoughts in the comments. Perhaps you have a tried and true tip to help other twin moms, the comment section requires your participation!

They say that when your baby finally arrives, you can throw everything you’ve learned about newborns out the window. Well, when you’re expecting twins, you can throw it out the window before they’re even born. At 26 weeks pregnant, I found myself in the hospital being pumped full of drugs to stop my contractions. I’m glad I didn’t waste my time researching whether I wanted to attempt a natural delivery or opt for a C-section, because it wasn’t my choice anyway. Those babies were ready to come, and come they did a few weeks later.

And so we entered the first six months of parenthood. I wish somebody had told me the reality of life with newborn twins. It’s exhausting, it’s not fun, it’s nothing like you had envisioned, and you wonder if the work will ever end. I didn’t feel the completely-in-love-with-my-baby infatuation that many moms feel, and then I felt guilty for lacking those feelings. We were in complete survival mode, and to be brutally honest, my husband and I were miserable. For those of you who are wondering if it will ever get better, it does! In the meantime, here are a few tricks that helped us survive those first six months.

1. Order Groceries
You aren’t lazy or a bad mom. This makes you nothing short of smart and resourceful. Save your energy for all the stuff that can’t be ordered (like changing 24 diapers per day!).

2. Ask a Friend to Start a Meal Train for You
You are lucky if you get 15 minutes to prep food in the kitchen. And if you get an extra 15 minutes, your time would be better spent sleeping. Home-cooked meals that you can nuke in the microwave are on par with eating at a fancy restaurant when you’re managing newborn twins. The more friends who participate, the better!

3. Join a Local Twin Moms Group

I remember feeling silly when I joined a twin moms group. I remember thinking, these women don’t know me. I have close friends with newborns if I ever need advice. It wasn’t until I hit three months in and was about to lose my shit that I understood their worth. Those ladies saved me in a way that nobody else could. A built-in support group who has walked in your shoes (or is walking right beside you) is simply the bee’s knees.

4. Ask for Help
I repeat: Ask for help. You and your partner will be working full-time, around the clock. The sleepless nights and days run together, and before you know it, you have no clue if it is 6 a.m. or 6 p.m.—and it doesn’t matter because your job is on endless repeat! Relief from somebody who can keep a baby alive for a few hours while you take a nap is worth its weight in gold.