These Encouraging Words Will Damage Your Anxious Toddler- Beware.

These Encouraging Words Will Damage Your Anxious Toddler- Beware.



Parenting is difficult. Ha, ha….. really? yeah! I can see some of you saying: ” no sh&*/#it”.

Well, how many of you have an anxious and explosive toddler? What kind of parenting approach do you take with a toddler

in this condition? Have you read any books on how to handle such a case study?

I just landed on a very intriguing article over at written by child therapist and writer, Natasha Daniels.

In this piece, Natasha Daniels speaks about books she has read on explosive and anxious toddlers and how parents could be

damaging their toddler, by simply paying them a nice compliment. For instance, if your child created a beautiful piece of art,

and you say “nice job” you are prejudging your child and that’s a no no. Personally, I think this is a bunch of malarkey.

Click the link below and be the judge. No pun intended.

These Encouraging Words Will Damage Your Anxious Toddler- Beware.
